![]() Daily Update April through May 3 Listening to “Watching the Wheels” by John Lennon from November 1980. His music has always moved me. This event in my life, has me watching, listening and beginning a new chapter. It’s been part of my morning ritual while doing exercises. In today’s update I am covering 7 days to get caught up. The basic days consist of doing one to two rounds of exercise, eating and during the week, catching up with clients. On the last two weekends, we took a couple rides for surprise Drive-By parties, this past weekend, Anthony Barresi, turned “40” what a turn out for his celebration. I’m starting the blog with two pieces from weekly newsletter (People Solutions) from JP Horizons, Beth and Jim Paluch. They have granted permission to reprint. I have known the Paluch’s since 1992. Jim has authored books, conducts corporate consulting events and you should visit his site, order his books and definitely subscribe to his newsletter. www.jphorizons.com Their recent newsletter titled: “Learning to Adjust.” Here are the two pieces which touched me, and I hope they do for you also during the CoVid19 shutdown and reopening. We are all ADJUSTING. Followed by a recap of the week. In the Time of Pandemic by Kitty O'Meara Published March 16, 2020 And people stayed at home. And they read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And they listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal. And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed. Life's Little Adjustments What are some things we choose to adjust without even thinking about it? Consider the following literally and figuratively: The Temperature - If it's too hot, turn it down ... too cold, turn it up ... Could this apply to the way we do business, deal with others, and approach our health and fitness? The Volume - We all have a volume that pleases us most. How do you feel when it has to be adjusted for the sake of someone else's taste? Are you willing to adjust what you want to accommodate another? The Directions - One of the greatest things to learn in life is to be willing to stop and turn around. If it is obvious that you are moving in the wrong direction, are you willing to adjust the route? The Pace - When we want to go faster, it is simply a matter of pressing the accelerator. How often do we want to speed the pace without being willing to really push the accelerator in life? The Story - Everyone loves a good story and we all want the real story. But isn't it the personality of the storyteller that makes listening fun? How can we adjust the story of our lives, our businesses, our product by adding enthusiasm and passion to the telling of it? The Attitudes - One of the easiest things to see needs adjustment in others is their attitude. How can we see the need for an attitude adjustment in ourselves faster than we see it in others? Linda my Physical Therapist taught me how to do “heel-toe” steps and crossovers. These exercises are favorites. As a bowler heel-toe is a way to a smooth, well-timed approach. I have been walking heel-toe for over 45 years, learning the technique in my mid-teens. The crossovers, slow you down, create an awareness on balance and coordination. I am grateful for Linda’s dedication to keep me on her regimen of exercises. Precise and steady, she has me on my way to walking without support. Patience! I think I taught Linda a couple things in our time together. She said. “Practice”. I said, “Practice doesn’t make perfect, Perfect practice makes perfect.” Jesse my Occupational Therapist is always creating and suggesting different activities to wake up the numbness in my arm, hand and cheek. They seem to be predominant when I wake up. I have mentioned that before. I think if I timed having something in my left hand during the day, it could be 8-10 hours of activity. He shared some children’s slime, with unicorns. I keep it in the refrigerator and play with it cold. For stimulation. There may be 10 pieces, you work them in and then pull them out with the left hand only. I try to do it 2 or three times, twice a day. It is like working bread dough. It’s a fun activity. I can also do it while talking on the phone, reading or at the same time I am doing leg exercise. I can pick up coins with out watching, work exercises bands to develop my triceps and put a puzzle together just using my left hand. I am going to start drawing with my left hand and maybe even practice printing. The toughest thing is holding the object in my hand steady and with coordination. My message to the reader, “Do not take your hands, feet, coordination and dexterity for granted”. Take a moment and look at your hand or foot and “Be Grateful”. My sister Linda Jo stopped by Tuesday and took me for a walk. (That sounds funny, but it’s true. It was fun, but having a companion to accompany me, is a prudent practice right now. We practiced social distancing, and she had the opportunity to see me maneuver over uneven curbs and sidewalks. I wish I could have more visitors, but with Corona being active, I understand in time, things will loosen up. Walked outside almost every day at least once. If the sun popped out, I did a couple of them. I am trying to do a cul-de-sac and go a little further each time. I did not start measuring my distance or steps until Sunday May 3rd, but I found it was approximately 400 sidewalk blocks, different sizes, on average 2 steps per block. I counted them in groups of 25. But 400 blocks are approximately 800 steps. If I can go a couple houses further, I get in 1,000 steps. This past week I had two days over 2,200 steps. 2351 steps 5/5/20 and 2250 steps 5/6/20. Progress! I set two goals for the future. A possible 5K later this summer if it is held. My son-in-law Andrew is organizing for Metro Health. And the big one will be walking the half marathon for the Cleveland Marathon next May. If that works, I will find an organization that supports stroke rehab and generate dollars for them. I’m sure I’m going to recruit at least 5 to 10 people to walk with me. It could take 4 1/2 hours but if the weathers good it’ll be a wonderful day. Let’s just hope there’s a 2021 event. Watched a couple more James Bond movies from the late 90’s through mid-2000’s. Probably only four left to view and I will be finished with 50 years on movies. Keep in mind at times it was four years between movie releases. Annual physical on May 1st added good news, my cholesterol dropped to 101. The Doc split my doses in half, which is very good. Other vitals were good and acceptable. Better eating habits., smaller portions and craving less white sugar and desserts like I used. Received two albums this week, Buddy Guy double set and the brand-new Kenny Wayne Shepherd-Traveler album. With original music and a couple remixes, one of Cleveland’s own Joe Walsh. Thank you, Chuck and Alan. I love the blues by the end of the weekend I’m listening to both of them. We had an incredible sales meeting on Wednesday, and we are planning our calls and follow up for May. Conversations with Phil Schulman, Bill Svoboda (looking forward to his sales sessions with Dr. Cynthia McGovern) and a number of title agents for updates in and around Ohio. I assisted a Florida agent with transactions in Ohio, that had good results for them and their clients. I have a genuine concern about the commercial real estate market and continue to keep my eye and ears open for articles or webinars on the topic. Talk to Jan Hollenbeck 45 minutes one evening before bed, catching up on Midwest and PNW happenings. Always a pleasure hearing about their life and working on a rendezvous in Italy in 2021 or 2022. A quote shared from my friend Ken Buzek, “One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself”. Lucille Ball American Actress. Corona Virus Shutdown Quote, “My $250,000 house got TP’d last night, it’s now appraised at $875,000”. Here is an excellent quote to end the post. This is from my friend John Bommarito in Detroit Michigan. I mentioned John in a previous post regarding his espresso makers. But here is the quote that he sent me in a card on May 6th. “One thing, one step, one day at a time. So difficult to climb, so beautiful shall be the view.” In the time of pandemic and life’s little adjustments were viewed in the weekly newsletter of JP horizons Beth and Jim Paluch. Longtime friends and business consultants. Permission granted to reprint by the by JP Horizons
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The following blog posts are about my Stroke that changed my life on April 5, 2020. I want to share my experience for family, friends and visitors. ArchivesCategories |